pied wagtail
house martin
castle kennedy gardens:
a nice botanical garden with 2 lochs at either side and a big pond in the middle. big forests are all over the place but not necceseraly of british trees

4 spot chaser by the pond.
birds were insignificant as there wernt that many
great creasted grebe
2 tufted ducks
2 pheasants.
none birds were
10 smooth newts
2 giant leechs
2 giant dragonfly lava-one of which was determined to kill and eat a stick
numerous damselflies of the blue and azure variety
1 orange tip butterfly
a hourbour surrounded by walls except for a exit/entarance. away fromthe hourbour is a cliff top walk and a rocky beach

stonechat on the clifftop walk
20 ish fulmar nests
mother and baby rock pipit
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