over lunch we were joined by a bold and hyperactive wagtail. i put out some crumbs and it almost came to feed off my hand-but diddnt. my dad said that it must have a nest nearby but i said i could go and find it because it would be hidden up a cliff and-as far as icould see was not in an accecable place from the ground, due to the riseing tide. howver when my dad said that he thought he had seen a seals head chaseing seagulls i explored through the caves to get closer to the seal. i had not seen a seal yet this year so it was pretty cool. but whats even more amazing is when i turned around from the stretch off rock i was on (i had trainers, not sandels, so couldnt get my feet wet) to see my dad and brother coming i saw the wagtail returing and going into a cave above my nest. i then heard frantic cheaping so inadvertantly found the nest after all.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
east coast holiday day 2 sunday
went to flamborough head today-nothing unusual there as per usual but plent of interesting stuff. when we arrived it was early in the morning and as we walked down the many steps we saw whitethroats, goldfinches and linnets aswell as house martins. when we arrived at the bottom ther were house martins everywhere aswell as kittywakes. as the tide went out we explored further and came across yet more kittywakes and some guillemots and razorbills too. my brother went rockpooling and caught a blenny and a squat lobster and, most incredibly, a lumpsucker. it was quite amazing but my brother kept bragging about how it was going to be the bast thing on the holiday, but as, if you read on, will find out-it was not.

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