went there this morning with a tip-off from matt bell that i might see a pied flycatcher. it was a lovely walk and saw lots of things. when we got to the mill my mum stayed for a coffee and i carried on the point where Matt said i should look. i got there eventually and sood on the path waiting. then i moved into the bushes. i waited whilst watching the ants when a chaffinch came and sat on a nearby branch. just then a weird call rang out and less than 30 seconds later there it was-a stunning male pied flycatcher, my first.

what a gem

included becuase i am particularlly proud off it.

grey wagtail. got filthy takeing this photo-FAIL
it was well worth the wait
also there were plenty of grey wagtails
2 herons having a noise duel flying inbetween the trees
1 breif kingfisher view-i waited but it didnt come back
fish, moths and red damselflies also there
robins and wrens
thanks for the tip-off matt
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