a juvenile jackdaw
a mussel cracker

above:look carfully at the hole in the wall, what do you see?

above:look carfully at the hole in the wall, what do you see?
right: a classic picture postcard scene
left: who me, never!
a bitter wet start to the day so we stayed at the caravan site. when it cleared up we went on a woodland walk but saw little. at the end of the walk was a cliff-top walk into portpatrik. for the whole walk we saw:
2 red squirrels
2 common hawkers
1 thrush
2 blackbirds
4 coal tit
5 blue tit
2 oystercatcher
1 stonechat
1 whitethroat
1 grayling
2 grey wagtail
4 white wagtail
7 ripit
fluffy fulmar chicks
also in port patrick the black guillemot was there in their nest hole
over the campsite as we left there was a peregrine. at first i thoguht it was a jackdaw, then a sparrowhawk, then i saw the markings on the face.
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