on our way to the deep my dad proposed that we went to north cave wetalnds for the morning. there were plenty of birds, primeraly teals and mallards but other things as well such as lapwings, redshank, goldfinchs, shovelers, great creasted grebe and a sparrowhawk which flew around the hide bewing mobbed by a crow

the redshanks at north cave
when we had done there we went to the deep. whilst my mum got ready we went to look over the mud around the deep and saw a curlew really close.
a curlew hunting on the humber estuary just outside the deep
inside the deep nothing had changed bu thewy have plenty of cool stuff there like nautilus and rabbit-fish so i was not dissapointed.
jack-knife fish
wreakfish (anthias)
ornate wobegong
saddleback butterfly fish

spotted garden eels

a stingray

the white tip reef shark
the common sawfish
overall it was a good day
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