i thought that the sky would not have any more water to give but i was proved wrong
i was so fed up of the rain that i went for an early morning walk anyway
the following birds ahd also decided to put with the weather:
2 dabchick
two tufted duck on the river derwent
two greater spotted woodpeckers fighting on water rail bridge
a grey wagtail
plenty of herons
"limpy" was around again
on the birdfeeder was the usual suspects of nuthatch, blue tit, great tit and chaffinch....

....but also this bird which tried to get onto the birdfeeder!?!?!
due to the eather we decided to go to the other end of chatsworth grounds and walk back to the caravan site along the side of the river derwent. plenty of life along the side of the river but perhaps most notable was the large flock of swallows and sand martins. about 20 birds all in a huge flock.
also there were:
grey wagatail. i have long tried to get a photo of these things but they just take you by surprise and fly off. i spotted about four of them shooting from this side of the bank which we were walking on to the other side.
a dabchick which was equally hard to photograph
a treecreeper really close, sadly also quite flighty
and a heron flying over head
some swallows
a goosander pair
the male from a teal pair
a lone male goosander
after a walk in the morning we decided to go back to bakewell for a walk along that river. unforntatly the river and footpath quickly parted so my family went the other way whilst i stayed with the ducks to get some photos

plenty of tufted ducks again
an artistic close up of some canada goose feathers
there was actually a double rainbow but sadly by the bottom rainbow was this vibrant the top rainbow was invisible to the camera
a ravid coot doing a water run
back at the campsite still in the rain!! went for a walk and caught up with the water vole again. i also put out some penuts. tonight i am not waiting for him because of the weather insetead we will lure him into a false sense of security.
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