-see below-
as I entered the hill, I heard skylarks singing. If you read this then you have probably read my previous posts and so know about my epic quest to get a skylark photo. no sooner had I entered the hill I spotted one sat on the stone circle. i sneaked closer but it unfortunatly must have spotted me. I managed to take a decent shot but still not what i'm really looking for...

as I walked down the hill to the pools I spotted these tracks in the dust. Based on the size of the print I am guessing a crow. it is certainly not one of the passerines frequent on the hill
I decided to wait at the pool for a reed bunting to emerge. as I waited a spotted two peacock butterflys having a drink on the yellow flowers that seem to have sprouted everywhere...

eventually my waiting paid off and two stuning reed buntings appeared. unfortunatly only one was in a position to be photographed but luckily i managed to get it anywhere..

You may also know about my quest for a mipit photo. luckily I spotted this bird. it is not as good as i had hoped but still it is a decent record shot.
as i walked back up i spotted two skylarks feeding in some short grass. I had also seen them there on the way down so assumed that they would come back. I crept closer but they flew away. I waited paitiently but with no luck. I decided to try and lie down so that i was such an obvious feature. As i did i spotted a weasle coming towards me along the wall. I was completely taken aback. I snapped him as he made his way along the wall towards me, then he ran across the dirt track and continued his wall run along the wall over that side. i was in such a flurry that very few off my photos came out at all but just as proof I have saved some of the more....resonable ones! it was so special to see

i left soil hill ahppy that i had seen the weasle but sad about the lack of decent mipits and skylarks. as i walked out i spotted two skylarks flying over the feild. one of them landed and i decided to have one last try. i crept along the wall. suddenly i spotted one on the ground quite close. i decided to go behind the wall ,where it could not see me and try and get closer. i was completly surprised to see it sat right behind a gate, hidden in the grass. see below the photos. i can now say that i have finally got the skylark pictures that i have wanted
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