This went on for quite a while but I also saw a jay flying between the trees. The rest of the walk passed uneventful until I reached the spot directly below where the sparrowhawk saga had occurred where I found a flock of long-tailed tits with some goldfinches. The tits stayed around for a photo but they are rather rubbish.
I managed to get lost on a farmers Field. I eventually made my way back to car via the out of bounds greenhouses. However all was not in vain as I saw a jay fly past, pretty close too, carrying an acorn, which was nice.
After that rubbish morning, we decided to go to a national trust house which had a bigish garden. and hooray we saw some wildlife. first things first we went into the grounds to look for some conkers for my dad, but I got distracted by ladybirds that were hibernating between the fence-posts. some of them had loads of ladybirds but some only had three. Shock, gasp, horror! all were seven spotted

But on the nearby stonework... (que dramatic music)

After our little foray we decided to go back to car to have lunch. whilst eating I swore I saw a very large (as in very very large) bee fly past.

But on the nearby stonework... (que dramatic music)
After our little foray we decided to go back to car to have lunch. whilst eating I swore I saw a very large (as in very very large) bee fly past.
As I got out of the car after lunch I noticed on the ground that there was a fossil. it was actually a gryphea dilatata which is a type of prehistoric seashell, nicknamed devils toenail. I already had several of these but it was surprising to find them in gravel for a car park. And it was not alone. I found loads of gryphea plus a belemnites and some tubeworms which was very nice. I spent about 1 hour sifting through the car park gravel and finding stuff. overall I found
2-tube worms (I collected two because I was unsure if they were not concrete, but there were quite a few)
back inside the gardens my brother said that he had found one of the large bees rested on some garden canes and said he would take me to them. It was quite a monster. I am very sure that this is a hornet but it is hard to describe. The garden canes were about the thickness of a 10 pence piece and so if you are looking at the pictures and thinking "my garden canes are only about the size of a 5 pence, the hornet isn't that big" the garden canes are scaled up! I got some pretty decent record shots but wherever I moved it would follow me. Its eyesight was magnificent. I would creep below the pile of canes and pop up at the other side and it would be there, looking at me still. eventually I must have gone too far and it flew off. But what a beast!!
look at the photos below. First look at its monstrous jaws. If I was on the receiving end of that I would be very afraid. What a beast!!
The my brother and I went down to the lake to catch up with my mum and dad. My dad said that he Had seen a dragonfly (hawker) flying about and he was right. Speaking of the devil and it appeared from over the reeds. Whats funny was that it was obviously a very healthy animal, in its prime. Its colors were vivid, it was flying around, just like summer, except in autumn. sadly it decided not to stay still for a photo and drifted off into some trees after about half and hour of chasing.
Then I spotted a pair of darters flying over the lake mating. The quick shot I got showed them very dark, black but I imagine that that was because of the back light and that they were common darters really.
Away from the lake we did find a black darter, or rather a darter that was black for in fact this is a very old common darter. you could tell it was very old by its none response to my getting close to it to take photos. It did fly off once, but only about 1m up into a topiary tree. Its sad to see the creature in this way but still, it allows you appreciate the change in the animal as it ages.
More walking round the place and I came to an orchard at the top of the park. As I arrived I spooked large numbers of thrushes out of a yew tree. I waited hidden for the rest of the day, expecting their return, but no matter what i did, either the birds used the opposite side of the tree to me, no matter which side I was at, or somebody spooked them. It was a lost battle and I only managed two remotely acceptable shots of a redwing. It is very sad.
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