The river was quite wide, but had reed-beds either side and had a nice carpet of lillypads across most of the surface. As you could expect with this type of habitat there were slightly more unusual birds such as reed warblers which made the walk not as insect based as previous walks had been.
at first there were not any dragonflies to speak off, but as I strolled down the river it became apparent that there were two emperor dragonflies defending territories along the river side. The emperor appeared to be the most common dragonfly on the island so it would have been a disappointment to not see one. the problem with these two is that neither of them wanted to land, so I had to try and get a decent shot of them in flight-not easy.
The bus journey from Ventnor went through a really spectacular part of the island, although Blackgang was a serious dump! I spent about 20mins walking to whale chine. The thing about whale chine is that the stairs down to the beach are broken about half way down-the council has said through use of signs that access to the beach is not permitted, thus washing their hands of any potential incidents. However some kind person has attached ropes to the bottom surviveing rung of stairs so access is still possible.
As soon as I let go of the rope onto the valley floor I noticed small greeny-bronze beetles scurrying around. I was expecting the beetles to be scarce and illusive not absolutely everywhere crossing the path and generally having to be careful not to tread on them. It was hardly a surprise that there weren't a great deal of other ground hugging insects. Even so, they were a real treat to watch as they scurried around, their colors looked spectacular and from their face on, they looked like formidable predators. The green tiger beetle was my favourite beetle-but now it may have competition, so lets just end it at "I love tiger beetles".
there were a lot of grasshoppers in the grasses. I don't really know my grasshoppers but they seem very interesting, the yellow stripe and mottled patterning is what attracted my attention to this one
I tried to follow it but ended up amid a boggy pools with waist height reeds. I then knew that the dragonflies weren't using the river, they were using these pools. I decided to try and flush one from the reeds, then follow it for a photo. The pools came in clumps, but i didn't know this I thought that there was only this on, the others over a landslip. So I walked around the pool and through it on what appeared to be makeshift paths. Eventually I spooked a dragonfly and followed it. having found it landed it became clear that they were indeed keeled skimmers, though this one was a female-easily identified by the highlights on the plates behind the head!
There were however a lot more, once you started looking they were turning up all over the pool. i can't tell you how excited I was. Now it was just a case of nailing the perfect photo. Luckily I didn't have to wait long, a female perched on a reed showing the whole wings without any reeds blocking the view.
There were plenty of them to speak of, so i was able to gather a good portfolio of this species, although there was a decided lack of males. Having said that, the specimen below is a male, although its very immature, hence the lack of blue.
On my third circuit around the poor excuse for a pool I spook another dragonfly that was slight blue, So I immediately thought that I had found an adult male. Unfortunately it didn't stay still but when i finally tracked it down I became clear that once more, it was not an adult male, only a slightly more mature immature male!!
on my fourth circuit around the "pool" I actually did finally find an adult male, a flash of vivid blue whizzed past me and disappeared. I walked around the pool again and again trying to track it down-after all how hard can it be to find a bright blue insect in a really dull greeny brown habitat. I walked around again and again but still no joy. With 5 mins before I had to leave to get my bus I felt disappointed, even though I had an amazing with two incredible new species. Then A casual glance into a patch of reeds I thought I had looked in before and I was blown away.
I looked into the reeds and there in the middle of the reeds was a really neat and tidy spiders web with a curious zig zag pattern and in the middle was a spider-with golden stripes on its belly. I couldn't even see the other side but I had seen enough-it was a wasp spider.
I managed to get round to the spectacular side of the spider but the view was infringed by the reeds, so I had to do some habitat management to ensure that I could get the photo I wanted. I managed it, although my trainers were filled with muddy water in the process. I need say no more on this, the most spectacular of British spiders-just enjoy the photos!
Wasp spider
Dispite the spider I still felt a tinge of dissapointment for the male skimmer being so illusive, but even so I felt much better, a third tick and possible the best of the whole afternoon and holiday. I decided that I had better leave and not risk the bus, so I left. as I headed back towards the ropes I spotted a small mining bee on the path, so I decided to take a random photo just to show the variety at the site. Speaking of variety-the only other ground living insect I managed find in the site, the tiger beetles aside was a violet ground beetle, which just goes to show that the only way to survive in a valley filled with miniture killers is to become an even bigger, more powerful killer.
-small mining bee
so ends the activities for today, the best day of the holiday so far. despite the slight delay I managed to get my bus and then had a fun journey back to the caravan from newport, where my family had started the BBQ so a great ending to a great day!
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