For the last three weeks of 2020 I returned to Brazil to spend Christmas and New Years with Lia and her family. Although most of my time was spent in quarantine or with other festivities, we did go out to Lia's local patch most days and there were a few nice bits that we saw. The beauty of the tropics is that every day is different, with the species composition always changing and always providing the opportunity for something new.
Although most of the birds we saw were common species, there were a few species that I had only seen a few times before. The first of these was White-spotted Woodpecker, which I only saw breifly when we visited Intervales, but here showed very nicely. Next up was a Hook-billed Kite, a species I also only saw once before but in the summer at FAL. Ochre-collared Piculette was also nice to see well, having only seen a few times in Parana. We also found a Rufous-sided Crake in the reedy margins of the estates housing estate. Although the latter is a common species, its always good to see a crake at a new site.
Although most of the birds we saw were common species, there were a few species that I had only seen a few times before. The first of these was White-spotted Woodpecker, which I only saw breifly when we visited Intervales, but here showed very nicely. Next up was a Hook-billed Kite, a species I also only saw once before but in the summer at FAL. Ochre-collared Piculette was also nice to see well, having only seen a few times in Parana. We also found a Rufous-sided Crake in the reedy margins of the estates housing estate. Although the latter is a common species, its always good to see a crake at a new site.
-Hook-billed Kite
-Saffron Finch
-Narrow-billed Woodcreeper
-Black-throated Mango
-Masked Water Tyrant
-Ochre-collared Piculette
-Rufous-sided Crake
-White-spotted Woodpecker
Species List:
Lagoa do
Jardim Leonor: Brazilian
Teal, Picazuro Pigeon, Ruddy Ground Dove, White-tipped Dove, Eared Dove, Guira
Cuckoo, Smooth-billed Ani, Squirrel Cuckoo, Sick's Swift, Planalto Hermit, Black-throated
Mango, Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Slaty-breasted
Wood Rail, Common Gallinule, Rufous-sided Crake, Southern Lapwing, Wattled
Jacana, Anhinga, Neotropic Cormorant, Rufescent Tiger Heron, Great Egret, Western
Cattle Egret, Whistling Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, Green Ibis, Buff-necked
Ibis, Black Vulture, Turkey Vulture, Hook-billed Kite, Savanna Hawk, Roadside
Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, Tropical Screech Owl, Ringed Kingfisher, Amazon
Kingfisher, Green Kingfisher, White-barred Piculet, Ochre-collared Piculet, White
Woodpecker, White-spotted Woodpecker, Lineated Woodpecker, Green-barred
Woodpecker, Campo Flicker, Red-legged Seriema, Southern Crested Caracara, Yellow-headed
Caracara, Aplomado Falcon, Yellow-chevroned Parakeet, Blue-winged Parrotlet, White-eyed
Parakeet, Barred Antshrike, Narrow-billed Woodcreeper, Rufous Hornero, Sharp-tailed
Streamcreeper, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Common Tody-Flycatcher, Yellow-olive
Flatbill, Cliff Flycatcher, Southern Beardless Tyrannulet, Yellow-bellied
Elaenia, White-crested Tyrannulet, White-rumped Monjita, Streamer-tailed Tyrant,
Masked Water Tyrant, Cattle Tyrant, Great Kiskadee, Boat-billed Flycatcher, Social
Flycatcher, Streaked Flycatcher, Piratic Flycatcher, Variegated Flycatcher, White-throated
Kingbird, Tropical Kingbird, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Rufous-browed Peppershrike,
Blue-and-white Swallow, Southern Rough-winged Swallow, Grey-breasted Martin, White-rumped
Swallow, House Wren, Chalk-browed Mockingbird, Pale-breasted Thrush, Rufous-bellied
Thrush, Creamy-bellied Thrush, Common Waxbill, House Sparrow, Purple-throated
Euphonia, Hooded Siskin, Grassland Sparrow, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Variable
Oriole, Shiny Cowbird, Chestnut-capped Blackbird, Tropical Parula, Hooded
Tanager, Orange-headed Tanager, Sayaca Tanager, Palm Tanager, Burnished-buff
Tanager, Swallow Tanager, Blue Dacnis, Chestnut-vented Conebill, Saffron Finch,
Blue-black Grassquit, Lined Seedeater, Double-collared Seedeater, Bananaquit, Capybara,
Black-penciled Marmoset,
Great to hear from you Daniel. Happy New Year and all our good wishes for 2021 to you and Lia and her family. I'll be checking out your recent posts later now we are getting more or less locked down again. Very wintery here and needing several layers for visits to 'The Hill'. You're not missing much !! Take care and enjoy everything in Brazil.
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ReplyDeleteDaniel Branch6 January 2021 at 14:01
Happy New Year Dave, all the best to you and everyone in Halifax. Really feeling for you all with the latest lockdown developments but fingers crossed after this it will be the beginning of the end. Glad to know the Hill is still having a few eyes kept on it, can't wait to see what happens in the spring.