Saturday, 22 February 2025

India; Western Ghats - Day 13: Thatekkad Bird Sanctuary

   Our final day of birding in the Western Ghats was not one of the finest in our trip catalogue. We had only a couple of targets to try to track down, but Gireesh was no longer with us so we had Jacob, another guide, to take us out in the morning. It certainly did not help that I woke up feeling pretty awful. Having been battling a cold for the best week, today it finally got the better of me, leaving me being very low energy.

  The activity was pretty slow in the area where we went birding, but there were a few interesting birds including a nice pair of Black Baza which was a trip tick for us, and our first Black-naped Monarch. Still, we could not find the Grey-headed Bulbul, which was the species we really wanted despite continuing to bird until 10:30 when the heat and humidity took us back inside.

  After the disappointing morning, we decided to head to the airport after lunch and from there we would be able to prepare ourselves in a relaxed setting for our flight and the rest of our trip. 

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