Wednesday 13 January 2010

Garden birds-besides the feildfare

unable to get out due to black ice i decided to do a spot of garden birdwatching. luckily the birds did not dissapoint.

this photo doesnt really show the sheer numbers of goldfinches that visit the garden frequently now but there are hundreds. absolutly loads

a little blue tit. also a great tit about which i havnt seen in a while

it isnt just goldfinchs that arrive in unprecidented numbers look at the numbers of sparrows here. unfortunatly the feeder is in the way for this shot but it still show the numbers.

this is the monster songthrush that chased away the feildafare multiple times


  1. No wonder your Song Thrush is so big Daniel - it's a Mistle Thrush ;-)

    Great blog by the way, I look in every morning.

    Charlie Streets.

  2. cheers
    i can never tell the difference between song and mistle so they are just song thrushes to me :)

  3. Have a look in your bird books Daniel and compare and contrast the two. It all comes with practise....

  4. ta
    i saw some song thrushes on sunday and i saw their orange sides so i knew they must be song thrushes
