Saturday 17 April 2010

soil hell, baked like a potato

The the scorching temperatures I decided to visit soil hell today. unfortunately the camera is still broken, and boy could you tell. I have tried for so long to get a photo of a skylark or a mipit sat out in the open instead of belting across the horizon. i have failed on every other attempt, only this time they were less than 2m away, both species. in fact two skylarks were fighting as i came up the track, which i might add has been graveled over to hide the dog poo. i cannot tell you how frustrating it is to have to go through that. never-the-less skylarks are attractive birds and it was by far the best view i have ever had of one so here's to that!. also a red legged partridge which i flushed by the Yorkshire water underground reser at the entrance to the site. a stunning male reed bunting was feeding where the bottom pool should have been, it is only a sliver of water now. surprisingly a heron was also fishing there but what was he intending to catch-dust fish! plus two lapwings flying about.

As I headed back out i noticed that the big deep pool near the begging of the site was also dry. i suddenly remembered all the frogspawn that i had seen on my last visit and thought to myself then, hmmmm i wonder if that pool is likely to dry up. i was reminded of that right then as i gazed at the empty pool. i rushed to the sight and low and behold plenty of tadpoles but no water. i hurridly fought for an idea and as a result found myself shoveling tadpoles into my driking bottle with the drinkling bottles lid. however it soon became apparent that iw as going to need more bottles. i found 2 more on the hill and then rushed back down, got my mum to drive me back up with a bucket and spade and shoveled the whole lot into the back garden pond.
a resue mission well accomplished!!

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