Monday 12 October 2015


Apologies for the lack of activity recently. Its been pretty much all deadlines since arriving back at uni for my third and final year.
The Library has been pretty nice Peregrine wise, with at least one bird still chilling around the rooftops that can be seen from the fourth floor. Its been pretty awesome, though I've not seen it nail a pigeon, which is something of a disappointment.
Apart from that there has been nothing much. I have been down to Orgreave Lakes a couple of times but each time has been a pretty familiar set of species and as such not really worth writing a piece on. A few quick highlights:
30th September for a quick afternoon look. Had to collect insects for my field course but I managed a few bits and pieces, such as Bullfinch and a very late calling chiffchaff. Also a Kingfisher which was nice.
10th October and back down mainly to try and catch insects but also to see if there was anything about. As I was leaving I got a couple of nice things, first a Peregrine flew over the grassland and then a Snipe flew overhead and over the river. Not too shabby.

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