went to an aquarium today so not many natural animals. stoped off at a reserve on the way home and went for a walk in the woods
toad in the tent this morning
little egret
black tailed godwit
common tern
walk in the woods
went on the walk to look at a pond but then chose a different way home which got us lost then we found our way back to a part of the trail we knew so my dad decided to take another trail he didnt know. we ended up at a junction. we decided that, at the time, it was best to take the route that led to the road which was a mistake because the other route (unbenownst to us) led back the caravan. so then we found ourselves on a road we didnt know and had to walk a very long way to find a road we did.
nightjar-woowwweeee, my first
well worth getting lost for
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