Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Saturday, 22 August 2009
cold edge, yesterday
Thursday, 20 August 2009
whitby and sandsend
Thursday, 13 August 2009
they look so adorable in an ugly kind of way but these are a menace
but these werent the highlight of the day. we went for a walk after lunch and found nothing, not even the knigsfisher but on the way back i was way ahead of my family and i saw a gull fly upstream. it looked like a herring gull so i thought, i hope it lands upstream so i can get a better view. it did land but looking at it only one thing was different from a herring gull-its legs, yellow! could it be that i finally had the long awaited yellow legged gull!!!! i had no bins so waited for my mum to catch up with bins and sure enough it wasnt a lesser black backed so yesss!!!! i had it my first. but as i ran back for the camera (a fair way i can tell you) it flew off so no pictures. the reason why it flew off was a bit unclear from what my family said. i got a tale of sheep, black headed and greater black backed gulls so i cant really tell. anyway it was a really great bird to tick.
also there today were, in the way off gulls, common gull in force which also has yellow legs, lesser black backed, which also has yellow legs, which turned up as we ate our fish and chips much later. black headed gulls were there in force and a few flyover greater black backeds were there. overall a good day.
other birds were sparse but there was a female mandarin which is normally there and 3 grey wagtails and a juvenile pied milling about on the beach. oystercatchers flew over in trios occasionally. overall a great day.
tuesday at ringstone
this time however we actually managed to see the common sands really well
there were also plenty of gulls-black headed and common
a moorhen was walking about
also plenty of lapwings in the distance but not actually on site
some village in the dales last wednesday
2 common sandpipers were flushed on the way back which was pretty special
there were also lots of baby wagtails on the river which was both cute and incredible. you could get pretty close to them too
2 herons were in one of the adjacent sheep feilds
2 goosanders wree flushed by the stepping stones but not a spectacular view like you can get at burnsal or bolton abbey
soil hill and ringstone a week ago last tuesday
there was:
a skylark-but good views
a flock of feral pigeons
1 common sandpiper that was miling about
a heron looking grumpy
lapwings, gulls (inc a greater black back and chick)
mipits flying over
Monday, 3 August 2009
dumfries and galloway, holiday day 12, part 1
a siskin
dumfries and galloway, holiday day 11, part 1
ardwell bay snorkling-compleatly flat and calm, but very little sealife:
rock cook
black goby
the birds on the other hand
dumfries and galloway, holiday day 10, part 3
dumfries and galloway, holiday day 10, part 2
dumfries and galloway, holiday day 10, part 1
a juvenilke goldfinch
this garden center was allegedly much better then glenwhan (se the last 3 posts) yet in my opinion this place was rubbish-the sightings:
2 goldfinch
1 buzzard
swan family
chaffinch, blue tits, great tits, dunnock, thrush
brown trout, bees, damselflies.
the we went to ardwell agian, but the sea was too ruff to go snoprkling so we sat and ate our lunch. as we did a small black sea duck appeared. i grabbed the camera, took some shots and ......... from the shots couldnt tell anything. got out the bins and again couldnt tell anything but-white patches on the wings, yellowish bill ohhhhhh-was i thinking velvet scotor, got out the scope look to find it, found it and.............................it was an eider :(
also there were; gannets, black headed gulls, herring gulls, greater black backed gulls
dumfreis and galloway, holiday day 9, part 2
dumfreis and galloway, holiday day 9, part 1
a commical sunbathing blackbird.
juvenile willow warbler that was sat in a beautiful tree
small copper
a red legged partridge
same juvs