Monday, 7 November 2022

Brazil; Maranhão - Day 5

  Today was a much more chilled day as I stayed in the hotel while Lia went out to teach schoolchildren about the work of a biologist. As a result my day was spent in our hotel room working on plans for our upcoming trips and organising other tasks I needed to complete.

  However, that doesn’t mean there was nothing happening, after all our hotel does overlook a large lake with many herons and other waterbirds on it. A small roost of Ruddy Turnstones was good to see, and 19 Scarlet Ibis roosted in the mangroves at the back of the lake. The bird highlight was a pair of Jandaya Parakeet that landed on the wires adjacent to the road below our window.

  But in a cecropia tree just across from us there was a huge, 150cm Green Iguana sleeping, which was present all day. And this was undoubtedly the highlight of the day. Every time I checked out of the window it had turned around, moving the absolute bare minimum. What a lazy beast!

-Green Iguana

Species List:
Stop Way Hotel:  Pied-billed Grebe, Feral Pigeon, Greater Ani, Common Gallinule, Ruddy Turnstone, Grey-headed Gull, Neotropic Cormorant, Tricolored Heron, Scarlet Ibis, Black Vulture, Osprey, Roadside Hawk, Jandaya Parakeet, Great Kiskadee, Tropical Kingbird, White-winged Swallow, Palm Tanager,

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