Saturday, 28 October 2023

Madagascar; Day 23 - Masoala NP

  For our final day in Masoala we had just a short hike in the forest, before spending the rest of the day chilling out by the beach and enjoying the delights of relaxing before we set off again on the next phase of our mental adventure. The walk was pretty chilled out but with limited birdlife on offer. We had another Helmeted Vanga, possibly the same bird twice, in mixed flocks. There was another very confiding Brown Mesite just near the lodge which was the highlight. The only other encounter of real note was a very nice Rufous Vanga sitting on the nest.

  In the afternoon we spent some time around the lodge and watching the sea. The lodge gardens had a few more Madagascar Green Pigeon, and a nice White-headed Vanga but high up in the canopy. Watching the sea for a couple of hours produced absolutely no seabirds, just a Purple Heron and a Western Cattle Egret, but we did have brief views of a sea turtle species on two occasions which was nice, but never long enough for us to get photos that would allow us to identify it. 

  For our final night walk we saw very little different, although a Rainforest Scops Owl in the camp was the first owl of our trip not seen at a day roost, so that was something. Otherwise we had another Spotted Fish-scale Gecko and a Lowland Streaked Tenrec. Still, it was fun to try one final time to see the forest at night, always in anticipation of something crazy appearing. 

-Brown Mesite
-Rufous Vanga
-Helmet Vanga
-Rainforest Scops Owl
-Brown Leaf Chameleon
-Panther Chameleon
-Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko
-Spotted Fish-scale Gecko

Species List:
Masoala National Park: Madagascar Green Pigeon, Brown Mesite, Crested Coua, Malagasy Coucal, Madagascar Cuckoo, Western Cattle Egret, Purple Heron, Rainforest Scops Owl, Broad-billed Roller, Short-legged Ground Roller, Common Newtonia, Tylas Vanga, Rufous Vanga, Helmet Vanga, White-headed Vanga, Crested Drongo, White-throated Oxylabes, Long-billed Bernieria, Spectacled Tetraka, Malagasy Bulbul, Malagasy White-eye, Madagascar Magpie-Robin, Souimanga Sunbird, Malagasy Green Sunbird, Nelicourvi Weaver, 

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