Friday 6 June 2014


 Despite the work I decided to head down early in the morning and have a look at the peregrines again, as it looked like they would be fledging imminently. Indeed one had already done so and been returned to the nest. I decided to head down early in an attempt to reset my sleeping pattern for the oncoming exams. I had not anticipated that I would rise at half 6 but it gave me plenty of time to go down and watch the birds before coming back to revise
Upon arrival I could see 2 chicks on the platform, but not much besides. The longer I stayed, however, the more I got, as a third chick was on a ledge above the clock, apparently having tried to fly last evening. Another birder there then pointed out the male bird on one of the cornerstones of the church, and the fourth chick, which was sunning itself on the east side of the church.
While I was there the male bird moved around quite a bit, but the female remained out of sight on top of the church until just before I was going when she returned to the platform. The juvenile above the clock became very agitated at this point and flew over us and into a tree behind us, though we could not locate it in the tree. The fourth chick moved occasionally to get more sun for its sun bathe, so we got all 6 birds while I was there.
-3rd Chick, having attempted to fledge the night before
-Male bird in his starting position
-The 2 chicks on the platform
-Male bird in his final position
There were a few other birds about too, since it was such a nice day. There was a mistle thrush that attempted to mob the male bird, apparently this has been a regular thing. There were also good numbers of blackbird with young and woodpigeons, and a few very bold starlings that wandered to within a meter of us.

Species List:
St. Georges Church: Peregrine, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Swift, Feral Pigeon, Woodpigeon, Starling, 

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