Monday 29 March 2010

derbyshire holiday ;day 2 (monday)

it rained!!
it rained all Day!!
i was hoping to go for a walk early this morning but
a.) it rained
b.) it diddnt stop raining
nevertheless the birdfeeder we bought in bakewell yesterday seemed to be attracting lots of attention, especially from the two local nuthatches. it was swell to see them so close.
on thw way to the toilet to brush my teeth a spotted this caucasian or green pheasant behind a caravan. i instantly dashed for the camera (a camera is not normally what i take to the toilet) and snapped these pictures. as it waddled off i noticed it had a limp, thus i christened him "limpy"

due to the weather issue we went to a tram museaum today. i cant say that looking at trams was exciting but the tram rides up and down the hill were fun
the evening!!
the evening was the best bit of the day. at around 6.30 after dinner the weather abated. my family were being boring and reading in the caravan so i decided to go for a walk. i went to the caravan site entrance to look for the water vole, just to confirm my sighting. just as arrived i looked up the little tributary that joins the river derwent. i spotted a large mass swimming across the river but it dissapeared quickly. i was then convinced that it was just a rat that liked swimming. i walked around and waited for around an hour whilst it grew steadily darker. it failed to come back out. then, just as i was leaving, a small brown mass came swimming towards me. at such close quaters i could easily see that it was a water vole. it swam under the bridge i was on and then went under a ledge just on the other side of the bridge. i waited for a while for its return but it soon got too dark. cold, wet, fed up yet enjoye and exhilarated i turned around to go home. i turned to facethe courtyard. i could not beleive what i was watching, as a scruffy male badge trotted eagerly towards the flowerbed a meter away from me. it began foraging, completely obliviouse to my presance. eventually it came too close and so it smelt me out. it trotted about 2 yards before it stopped and began forragingi tried to sneak past it to get the camera but i got tooclose and it bolted. i got a torcha dn my family and camera to retuen and search for it. sadly we could not find it again. we found where it had come from and so tommorow i will put out some peanuts. we will get him!!!

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