Monday 28 April 2014

Padley Gorge NT

I may have started lectures, but education does not come between a man and his birds. With that in mind after my one 9.00 lecture I decided to head into the peaks to Padley Gorge again. The weather was also with me, very warm and sunny making it a very pleasant day out.
Apparently when we arrived a cuckoo flew over us, or so I was later informed by another birder, isn't that just my luck. However, we soon found some pretty cool stuff, namely 2 Common Lizards which I managed to get a record shot of.
-Common Lizard
The birder had also given me a pretty acurate description of where to find a singing tree pipit, the bird I really wanted to see. I managed to track down the pipit, though sadly it did not sing, but there were a few of them about, as well as a couple of stonechat, though they were quite distant.
-Tree Pipit
Next we headed down to where the pied flys were, and they did not disappoint. The first spot was a bit barren, only one female of which views were fleeting but further down we stumbled across a pair using a nest box right next to the path. As a result we were able to get some great views and I was able to get some great photos of the birds.
-Female Pied Flycatcher
-Male Pied Flycatcher
The walk was shorter than it had been before, as it only took us about 2 hours. As a result we were unable to find as many species as I had before, and the only view of a redstart was a very distant view through much shrubbery. We did see one though so it was nice, as well as Greater Spotted Woodpecker and Grey Wagtail.

Species List:
Padley Gorge NT: Pied Wagtail, Rook, Meadow Pipit, Carrion Crow, Willow Warbler, Chaffinch, Swallow, Stonechat, Kestrel, Tree Pipit, Blue Tit, Pied Flycatcher, Treecreeper, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Wren, Redstart, Mallard, Grey Wagtail, Sparrowhawk

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