Saturday 10 May 2014

Peaks via Endcliffe Park

Things birdwise have been a little slow through May due to lectures and exams, but today I had the chance to get out and do a little birding with my friend Jess in the peaks near Endcliffe Park. The undoubted avian highlight was a stunning pair of male Mandarin ducks on the pond at Forge Dam. We were able to get amazing views as the birds were very bold, even taking bread with the mallards from the people feeding. I managed to grab a few photos, which are alright
-Drake Mandarin
We passed through a variety of habitats and so managed to get really good numbers of species. On the moors at the top we managed to get Lapwing, Curlew, Skylark, Mistle Thrush and a pair of Wheatear. We also passed Redmires Reservoir but the shoreline was pretty empty with the exception of a group of around 5 Canada Geese. In the surrounding fields there were decent numbers of Linnet and Pied Wagtails which we were able to get decent views of. We also had very good views of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker at the top of Forge Dam.
There was one grey area however. As we left the woods surrounding forge dam I spotted a bird in the tree that I could not recognize. It kept moving and did not sing, but it was the size of a blackcap, plain and had a fine beak. Given this description you would probably think garden warbler, and so did I, however the bird cleared off before I got a really good view of it. I can only conclude that it must have been a garden warbler, but since I am unable to confirm it, it will remain unticked for this year; the one that got away.

Species List:
Endcliffe Park/Peak District/Redmires Reservoir: Starling, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Magpie, Carrion Crow, House Sparrow, Blackbird, Blackcap, Great Tit, Robin, Mistle Thrush, Pheasant, Mallard, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Woodpigeon, Feral Pigeon, Jackdaw, Rook, Goldfinch, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Moorhen, Meadow Pipit, Jay, Greenfinch, Curlew, Skylark, Linnet, Wheatear, Swallow, Canada Goose, Willow Warbler, Mandarin,

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