Saturday 24 May 2014

Orgreave Lakes twitching Little Stint

 After yesterdays excursions which resulted in me achieving very little revision today was meant to be a productive day, and it was, but for the wrong reasons. Yesterday I had considered missed the G.W Egret and going for a pair of little stints at Orgreave, since it was closer. No matter, I went for the egret and was justly rewarded for my decision.
However, after my first period of revision it came up on birdguides that the stints were there again. I looked at my revision notes, looked at the weather (Appalling) and decided to just go for it. It took long enough to get there, and the weather only continued to get worse. In fact during the walk round I got more wet that I can ever really recall, even my underwear was soaked.
And it looked like it was not going to be my day, with no sign of them with any of the plovers I found, or with the Redshanks, or with the Lapwing. There were simply incredible views of all 3 hirundine species and of swifts, the latter of which were even skimming the surface of the lakes. I was surprised they were out in such force given the weather was so poor, but they gave me something on the walk round.
But round the far side of the lake I spotted 2 small brown waders with a Ringed Plover on the bank. I had a look and they seemed good but they were a way away, so I approached, only to find that they had gone while I was approaching. The mix of emotions I experienced at that moment was incredible. I resigned myself to the fact that it was going to be one of those days.
But fortunately they had not gone far, and around the headland I stumbled across them again and was able to view them and get some reasonable record shots. Having never seen a stint before I was initially dubious of my identification despite the fact that they seemed good, but another birder came soon looking for the gargany (Which I did not see) and he confirmed it for me.
In the weather as such and the fact that I do not have the worlds greatest scope I was unable to really appreciate all the intricate beauty of their plumage, but certain features I could make out, such as the white stripes on the back. Unfortunatly, as they had shown earlier, they were very mobile, and the view of them only lasted around 10 mins before they decided to move off onto the far side of the lake. It was probably a good thing, as it was already 2.00 and I did need to get back to work.
So that is my 11th lifer of the year, and the second of the weekend, what an incredible year its been. I tried to get some record shots but was not overly successful, but follows are my attempts:
-2 Little Stints and Ringed Plover
But like I say, my photos are not great, so here is someone else photo from the day before, of the same bird's, showing in more detail the plumage.
-Little Stint and Ringed Plover (Not my photo)
The rain did stop in the end, while I was at the bus stop, but since I had got my bird it did not really matter. It was well worth it in the end and I am well happy. So the day list, not that I really kept one.

Species List
Orgreave Lakes: Swift, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Blackbird, Black-Headed Gull, Mallard, Mute Swan, Pied Wagtail, Woodpigeon, Goldfinch, Cormorant, Tufted Duck, Coot, Great Crested Grebe, Meadow Pipit, Herring Gull, Redshank, Reed Bunting, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Skylark, House Martin, Sand Martin, Swallow, Ringed Plover, Canada Goose, Graylag Goose, Little Stint,


  1. Pic no. 8 is a winner, thats a good day out in the rain.

  2. I can only wish I had managed to get a photo like that, It really shows their colours
