Tuesday 8 July 2014

Soil Hill

So with circumstances as they are, today would be my first and only visit to soil hill for some time, given that on Thursday I head over to Spurn to start my new job. I decided to head up to get some photos of the site, but I gained a good few species. Initially it was pretty basic, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and Woodpigeons. However I decided to head down to the marsh to get some photos in the lovely evening light.
Down by the marsh I first heard a Sedge Warbler, which would be a patch tick and a great bird. They had been seen all while I had been at uni but this was my first chance to go and see if they were still there, and they were indeed. But I could also hear another warbler, a Grasshopper Warbler was calling, but it was distant and I knew that unless it moved I would never find. Sadly the bird did not move while I was there, and I did not see it. Again this lifer continues to elude me. 
But while I waited I found another patch tick when I spotted a Willow Warbler in a small tree in front of me. It was difficult to see due to its skulky nature.
-Willow Warbler
Also while I waited one of the Sedge Warblers increased its vocal levels, but it remained unfound except when it flew in display, which it did a few times. after about 15 mins trying to track it down it finally showed properly for 2 mins, allowing me to get some record shots, before once more it skulked off.
-Sedge Warbler
Once I had seen the Sedge Warbler I decided to head home, as the Grasshopper had stopped singing, so finding it was now going to be impossible. On the way back up I found Red-Legged Partridge and a young Meadow Pipit, which was approachable enough to include a picture of.
-Meadow Pipit
So it was a very enjoyable evening walk with 2 patch ticks and some great birds. So here is tonight's species list, longer than your average soil hell walk.
Species List:
Soil Hill: Meadow Pipit, Goldfinch, Reed Bunting, Mallard, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler, Blackbird, Swallow, Swift, Carrion Crow, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Skylark, Pheasant, Woodpigeon,


  1. Great to know we have good birds moving around here once more.

  2. A good day for soil hill there.
