Wednesday 21 January 2015

Not quite bird related but...

The impacts of the day out at the Harlequin and still coming in thick and fast. Today I was honoured to find out for the first time ever that birdguides has used one of my photos, a harlequin photo in their weekly review which is a real honour and I'm so pleased.
-Birdguides weekly review
And then, though this was more predicted was NGB's moment of fame on BBC Winterwatch when we were caught rubbing out knees. Haha, what a day to look back on...
-BBC Winterwatch
It was a fantastic day to be a part of and enjoy! To have a photo published by birdguides and then on Winterwatch is the icing on the cake!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one ,,,well done,,,,you may be doing Packhams job in 10 years time...all the best
