Tuesday 20 January 2015

University Birdwatching

I have not done weekly updates this year like I did last year, mainly because there has been less birds around, however since I have been in the IC so long I have taken up residence at one of the window seats on the fourth floor which has a spectacular view over the city and the valley. From here I have been able to do a reasonable amount of birding, so here is a quick summary of the last two weeks.

08 January 2015
I did not really make too many records today but I did year-tick Greater Black-Backed Gull which was exciting and spurred me on to get plenty more work done:
Great Black-backed Gull - 3

09 January 2015
Having been in the library a week it was becoming pretty tough to keep focused but there were a few birds out of the window to keep me excited. Year-ticked Sparrowhawk as well as there being a few other nice things fly by:
Mistle Thrush - 3 ; Sparrowhawk - 1 ; Magpie - 4 ; Blackbird - 1 

10 January 2015
This was the first day that I decided to submit all the birds that I saw to the SBSG. That resolution did not last long but for today at least I did get a full set of species which I saw:
Great Black-backed Gull - 3 ; Magpie - 3 ; Carrion Crow - 4 ; Woodpigeon - 1 ; Mistle Thrush - 1 ; Starling - 4 ; Blackbird - 1 

11 January 2015
There were a good number of large gulls going over during the morning, possibly because it was a Sunday and the tips were closed so they had to find somewhere else, or at least that was the best theory I could come up with:
Lesser Black-Backed Gull - 5 ; Herring Gull - 5 ; Greater Black-Backed Gull - 3; Black-Headed Gull - 20

16 January 2015
The day of my trip to Aberdeen commencing so I was having kittens for most of the day. However, I did library tick Blue tit which was a nice addition to my growing library list:
Blue Tit - 1 

20 January 2015
Got some really good birds from the library today when 2 skeins of Pink-Footed Geese went over within the space of 20 minuets between 10.00 and 10.20. The first was around 70 birds, the second was larger and was at least 100 birds. It was a really nice surprise and good to see the day before my exam.
Pink-footed Goose - c70 - north at 10:08 ; Pink-footed Goose - c100 - A second skein north at 10:14 ; Sparrowhawk - 1 ; Magpie - 2 ; Woodpigeon - 1 ; Feral Pigeon - c50 ;

21 January 2015
Some last minuet cramming for my exam, going over it all one last time rewarded me with a library tick when a Pied Wagtail flew past the window showing. The snow meant the light was not very good but you could still get some decent features on the bird, making it more than a silhouette
Pied Wagtail - 1 

Species List:
University of Sheffield Library/Information Commons:
Magpie, Greater Black-Backed Gull, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Sparrowhawk, Carrion Crow, Woodpigeon, Starling, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Herring Gull, Black-Headed Gull, Blue Tit, Pink-Footed Goose, Feral Pigeon,

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